Boarding Agreement
I hereby contract with the owner that my pets will be in good health free from illness with any communicable condition/s within the last 14 days before boarding each and every time I bring my pets. I further understand that it is my responsibility to inform Country Comfort Kennels (CCK) and its staff of any previous events in which my pets have climbed fences, destroyed fencing, harmed, or shown aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or dog.
I hereby contract with the owner of this kennel that if in their opinion, my pets require the attention of a vet, they are directed to secure the services of the veterinarian of their choice. I will pay the charges in addition to a service charge to the kennel. I further understand that all pets are boarded, groomed, and transported by the kennel without liability on the kennel's part for loss or damage from disease, death, running away, theft, fire, injury to persons, other pets, or property by said pet each and every time I board my pet at any of CCK’s locations.
Due to the hardship and workload that is incurred by labeling, tracking, laundering, and returning personal non-edible items, CCK provides these amenities at no additional charge. I understand that many of the items I wish to provide may be inappropriate for the boarding environment therefore, CCK does not recommend personal non-edible items such as bedding, bowls, toys, leashes, collars, tags, etc. to be provided from me for my pet's stays. If I choose to provide said items, I do so completely at my own risk, relinquishing CCK and its staff from responsibility for loss and or damages that may incur to my pet or said provided items.
I further agree to the terms and additional charges that may occur for the reasons and policies outlined below.
Upon the Check-in of my pets, CCK will perform an initial inspection of my pets. If any external parasites or anything that may be harmful to my pets and other pets while boarding at the facility are detected, then my pet will be properly treated at my expense.
There is a $5.00 service charge if CCK needs to call my vet to obtain and verify any shot information.
Pets are charged a full day of boarding on the day of arrival, regardless of the time. Pets picked up before 1:00 pm on the day of departure are not charged for boarding that day. Pets picked up after 1:00 pm on the departure day will be charged for a full day of boarding.
In the event my pets must board with prescription and topical medications, I must complete and sign Country Comfort Kennel’s Medication addendum. (Supplements and over-the-counter tablets may be premixed with food for no extra charge, however, CCK cannot be held responsible for my pet ingesting the product.)
In the event my dog was to bite someone while boarding and is placed under an Order of Quarantine by the Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement, it may be necessary for my dog to remain at a CCK facility for the 10-day observation period at my expense.
I understand that CCK reserves the right to cancel or alter additional non-life essential services at any time, for any reason. Charges for said services will be either prorated or canceled.
I certify that I have read and understand the policies of Country Comfort Kennels at Scott Creek Inc. as set forth and that I have read and accepted the conditions and statements of this agreement.
I attest that I am authorized to act on behalf of any and all owners of the dog(s) described herein.